Wilkes EE Advisement


Catalog description

This page is intended to serve as a resource for my EE Advisees at Wilkes University, particularly those who have recently arived to start their academic career. Wilkes has some resources that are readily available elsewhere to help incoming students in general. The material here is focused on the Electrical Engineering major, although some of the material will be relevant to other engineering majors as well.

This material is being posted for the Fall 2019 semester. Some of it is or will become dated in time, as the curriculum evolves and as administrative arrangements change. The Curriculum Description is not quite up to date but is very close to what is required now. Some changes for the entering class need to be added. Most of it is still relevant. The checksheet needs to be revised also.

The EE Curriculum

  • Recommended Sequence, Flowchart
  • Curriculum Description
  • Curriculum completion checklist
  • General Education Checklist for Engineering
  • Other relevant documents

  • Why Engineering ?
  • About Problems
  • Dear Advisees (concerning F17)
  • University Resources

  • Wilkes Undergraduate Handbook
  • Remarks

    I intend to add some other material later. If anyone has some suggestions, please let me know. JBG